Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome
    • If you'd like to, download or print the slides now
    • Introduction
  • 2
    Chapter One – Choosing the right ecommerce platform for your business
    • Lesson One – Platform selection
    • Lesson Two – Magento
    • Lesson Three – Shopify
    • Lesson Four – Deciding between Magento and Shopify
    • Lesson Five – Working with in-house developers, development agencies or freelancers
  • 3
    Chapter Two – Selling stock-less items
    • Lesson One – Print on demand
    • LessonTwo – White label sites
  • 4
    Chapter Three – Reporting
    • Lesson One – What to report on
    • Lesson Two – How to set an ecommerce forecast
    • Lesson Three – Google Tag Manager
    • Lesson Four – How to report: Spreadsheets, Google Analytics dashboards and Google Data Studio
    • Lesson 5: Cross-domain tracking
  • 5
    Chapter Four – UX and CX/CRO, design process
    • Lesson One – How to design a new shop site
    • Lesson Two – Homepage
    • Lesson Three – Site-wide elements (Benefits bar and favicon)
    • Lesson Four – New in page
    • Lesson Five – Visual Merchandising
    • Lesson Six – Cookies and CMPs
    • Lesson Seven – Internationalisation
  • 6
    Chapter Five – Ecommerce Marketing: Affiliate Marketing
    • Lesson One – Overview: What is affiliate marketing, why do it and how?
    • Lesson Two – Affiliate networks
    • Lesson Three – Content sites/online PR
  • 7
    Chapter Six – Ecommerce Marketing: Paid Search
    • Lesson One – The Google Ads Platform
    • Lesson Two – Google Shopping
    • Lesson Three – Dynamic Remarketing
    • Lesson Four – Text ads
    • Lesson Five – Google Grants
    • Lesson Six – Showcase Shopping Ads
    • Lesson Seven – Bing
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    Chapter Seven – Ecommerce Marketing: Email
    • Lesson One – Sharing on social media
    • Lesson Two – Segmentation & Text to Image ratio
  • 9
    Chapter Eight – Ecommerce Marketing: SEO
    • Lesson One – Update and refresh copy often through User Generated Content (UGC)
    • Lesson Two – Product schema and Rich Results test
    • Lesson Three – Google Search Console
    • Lesson Four – Loyalty and Rewards Programme
  • 10
    Chapter Nine – Wrapping up
    • Overview
  • 11
    Testing your learning, and thank you
    • You have now finished the course – Advanced Ecommerce
    • End of course survey – you must complete this to receive your certificate