Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome
    • If you'd like to, download or print the slides now
    • Introduction from Anthony Misquitta, Course Tutor
  • 2
    Chapter One – Contract essentials
    • Lesson 1 – What is a contract? What is a deed?
    • Lesson 2 – What is a Memorandum of Understanding? What is a Letter of Intent?
    • Lesson 3 – Licenses, NDAs, Agency Agreements and Terms & Conditions
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    Chapter Two – Establishing a contract
    • Lesson 1 – Before the contract begins
    • Lesson 2 – Due diligence
    • Case Study 1 – The League of Britishness
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    Chapter 3 – The key parts of a contract and a contract negotiation
    • Lesson 1 – What are the important bits?
    • Lesson 2 – Description of the product / services
    • Lesson 3 – Title and Risk
    • Lesson 4 – Territory & Exclusivity
    • Lesson 5 – Quality Control
    • Lesson 6 – Payment
    • Lesson 7 – Payment – Royalty Payments, Customs Duties and Withholding Taxes
    • Lesson 8 – Payment – Currency, Interest on Late Payments, Payment Increases, Sales Reports, Rights of Audit, Evidence of Use
    • Lesson 9 – Intellectual Property
    • Lesson 10 – Data Protection
    • Lesson 11 – Termination, and Mitigating the Risk of Market Swamping
    • Lesson 12 – TUPE, Dispute Resolution
    • Lesson 13 – Boilerplate Clauses
    • Case Study 2 – Whizzbang Software
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    Chapter 4 – Are we special?
    • Lesson 1 – An Overview of Charity Law, and Subsidiary Trading Companies
    • Lesson 2 – Intellectual Property and Subsidiary Trading Companies; Exclusivity; Commercial Participation
    • Lesson 3 – Freedom of Information; Public Sector Information
    • Lesson 4 – Insurance, Anti-Bribery, Tax Evasion & Modern Slavery
    • Case Study 3 – The Philippines
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    Chapter 5 – Risk vs Reward
    • Lesson 1 – Risk & Reward: Risk and Warranties
    • Lesson 2 – Indemnity
    • Lesson 3 – Direct and Indirect Losses, Limitations of Liability
    • Lesson 4 – Limitations and Insurance
    • Case Study 4 – Bufty & Tufty
  • 7
    Testing your learning, and thank you
    • Test your knowledge
    • You have now finished the course – Negotiating Contracts
    • End of course survey – you must complete this to receive your certificate