Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome
    • Before you begin
    • If you'd like to, download or print the slides now
    • Welcome
  • 2
    Chapter One – Preparation for Improvement
    • Lesson One – Preparation for Improvement
  • 3
    Chapter Two – The Big Environmental Picture
    • Sustainable Development Goals Matrix – Download
    • Lesson One – Sustainable Development Goals
    • Lesson Two – Visitor Perception
  • 4
    Chapter Three – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
    • Lesson One – Waste
    • Lesson Two – Energy
    • Lesson Three – Water
  • 5
    Chapter Four – Environmental Challenges
    • Lesson One – Product Ingredients
    • Lesson Two – Plastics
    • Lesson Three – Food & Beverage
    • Lesson Four – Food Waste
    • Lesson Five – Retail
    • Lesson Six – Packaging
  • 6
    Chapter Five – Purchasing Considerations
    • Lesson One – Product Origin
    • Lesson Two – Supplier Ethics
    • Lesson Three – The End of the Product's Life
    • Lesson Four – Sustainable Purchasing Policy
    • Lesson Five – Implementing Your Sustainable Purchasing Policy
    • Lesson Six – Promoting Your Success
  • 7
    Chapter Six – Conclusion
    • Conclusion
  • 8
    Test Your Learning
    • Test your learning
  • 9
    Thank you & Further Reading Links
    • You have now finished the course – Sustainability in Action
    • End of course survey – you must complete this to receive your certificate